Open letter to people of common sense on the energy of saving the climate and the economy of planet Earth.
Among the first measures taken by the New President of the United States was the pardon of the violent people who on 6. 01, 2020, stormed the American Capitol against his previous electoral defeat, the exit from the WHO, from the Paris agreements and the opening to cryptocurrencies in government budgets. If the most powerful country in the world behaves in this way, it means that we are moving towards a new dictatorship: That of billionaires and colluding politicians who govern the planet by continuing to heat it and destroy it with all living beings. The pardon of one’s supporters can be understood, as a thank you for the loyalty shown. The decision to exit the Paris agreements can also be understood, which are supported by other lobbies that burden public budgets with subsidies and incentives in the name of the fight against global warming by creating alternative, inefficient, discontinuous renewable energies, which in any case, have environmental defects, such as the production of steam and the transport of the energy produced, which interfere with the natural ionic exchange between the earth and the ionosphere. It is not with these renewables that coexist with fossil fuels, old and new generation nuclear, hydrogen transformed into fuel, that we can fight global warming and the unequal distribution of world wealth. Europe could break free from the current global energy lobbies and attempt the third energy route, not having oil but an immense wealth of greenery and water, which with the SPAWHE system, would be resources even more precious than any known energy source. Unfortunately, the European entrepreneurial mentality is old and obsolete. China has come closest to the scientific truth by building the largest compressed air plant in the world. But not even the Chinese have understood that it is not enough to identify a powerful and sustainable energy source. In fact, the Chinese are using the energy of this immense compressed air plant to compensate for the lowering of solar energy yields at night and wind energy when there is no wind.
Please also read the following article that I did not write, which I agree with 100% because solar and wind energy are not truly sustainable also because of the materials they use that age and are not recyclable. In addition to the fact that they are discontinuous, they need energy storage and energy transport that interferes with climatology.
Practically, the entire terrestrial science has not understood the true function of compressed air, which is to completely replace other energies: renewable, fossil and nuclear. Unfortunately, it cannot act alone. It needs an energy vector, equally powerful, which is incompressible water that, like air, costs nothing and is not consumed, working at a constant volume, together with the air that equally, is not consumed. Except for the part that is solubilized in water by Henry’s principle. In fact, compressed air must also work at constant pressure and volume, according to the projects illustrated on Water and air, which cost nothing, are the basis of the Spawhe system, which, not only can save the planet from global warming, it can also save the global economy and make people understand what the true world wealth is, which has nothing to do with the false wealth desired by current billionaires who prefer the virtual currency of bitcoins to avoid paying taxes on illicit profits that exploit common underground resources and natural electromagnetic energies, already existing in nature before the human inventions that produced electricity. Therefore, even universal electromagnetism, like gravity, atmospheric air and water, are common assets. They cannot be sold and marketed. At most, information and electronic technologies can be marketed that have given an important turning point to a possible new development model that has not yet been fully and efficiently implemented, in the interests of the entire world population, because the powerful of the Earth do not want to give up anything that creates unjustified economic profits, moreover, uselessly polluting the environment, creating incomplete purification cycles, although the Spawhe system has shown that even the blast furnaces of steel mills and incinerators could be completely purified, by modifying the chimneys that would recover the fumes and transfer them to the limestone greenhouses with artificial rains, which would cost nothing from an energy point of view with the compressed hydroelectric system without the hydraulic jump, compressed air being the energy source and water the energy vector, which would be recycled infinitely by absorbing CO2 and producing carbonates, sulphates, nitrates compatible with the waste water that goes to the sea. These plants on planet earth have never been built although they are international patents regularly filed by the undersigned ( If I had not tried to seriously clean fossil energy (which the world public science has not done by trying to hide the CO2 underground with the C.C.S. system) I would never have invented submerged and compressed hydroelectric energy without the hydraulic jump that is essential to eliminate energy costs to lift the water and produce artificial rain.
Subsequently, I studied many fixed and mobile applications of submerged and compressed hydroelectric energy. All ignored by current terrestrial energy science. But the facts are giving me reason because only by coldly producing terrestrial energy can we add together the thrust of Newton and Lorentz and be able to navigate in space beyond the atmosphere since terrestrial electromagnetism can only be produced with permanent magnets that circulate in coils of wires protected with insulating paints that certainly cannot be combined with engines, or thermal turbofans, or even thermal rockets. Therefore, in fact, terrestrial electromagnetism up to now has not been of any use in aeronautics, space navigation or even in computer transmissions. In fact, if we think about it, what are modern inventions based on, starting from the telegraph, telephone, radio, television, internet? These inventions, without taking away credit from the terrestrial inventors, could not exist without the pre-existing electromagnetic networks of the universe. Which come from the ferromagnetic nuclei of stars and planets. These electromagnetic networks are as old as the entire universe, while terrestrial electromagnetism, which on earth produces driving torques in electric motors, or linear thrusts through mechanical devices, after having transported electrical energy far from the thermal, nuclear, solar, wind source. This is a serious penalty for terrestrial development, because since the beginning of the industrial era, at the time of Maxwell, Einstein, Tesla, Edison, Ferraris, Lorentz, compressed hydroelectric energy could be detected without the hydraulic jump. Which can be produced coldly anywhere on earth, simply by recirculating water in a statically pressurized circuit with compressed air by means of a modified centrifugal pump, equipped with a double separate supply up to the impeller, which allows the water to be introduced at low pressure into the pressurized recycling of an autoclave, without having to overcome the pressure of the autoclave itself which simultaneously with the same flow rate that comes out of the circuit produces electrical energy through a turbine coupled to an electric current generator, which can supply both the driving force that produces torques, and induced circuits that can generate linear electromagnetic thrusts according to the Lorentz force. Therefore, with this system we can make electric turbofans that produce Newton’s thrust and on the external walls of the same turbofans, make the electromagnetic thrust that goes in the same direction to overcome the gravitational force for air navigation without fuels, which terrestrial science has pretended not to understand in order to continue to consume fuels of all types. It does not take much to understand that once we have arrived at about one hundred kilometers from the Earth’s surface, when the atmospheric air becomes rarefied and does not allow the production of Newton’s thrust, we can concentrate all the electrical energy produced on the production of Lorentz’s electromagnetic thrust and continue to navigate towards infinite space until we reach the desired orbits to go to the planets we want to explore. Another fact that terrestrial science has not understood is the fact that with compressed hydroelectric energy we could mount several plants together in series and in parallel to increase the force and speed of the means of transport depending on the charges to be lifted and transported and we can also stop in space to put out fires or save shipwrecked people in the middle of a stormy sea. But terrestrial science has pretended not to understand all this to allow governments and multinationals to produce obsolete energy, continuing to use fuels that only cause damage and bulky and inefficient renewable energy, whose simple transport interferes with the natural ionic exchange between the ionosphere and the Earth’s surface, which a few years before industrial development had reached the right balance of CO2 and steam in the atmosphere and the optimal temperature, without excessive atmospheric turbulence that today has become typhoons, hurricanes, untamed fires, because current science, working in watertight compartments in all sectors of human activity, has shown that it does not know how to design complete and interactive plants and has not even had the courage to speak positively about it to the politicians who govern who still believe that with current renewable energy they would solve the problems. Instead, everything has to be redone, as it is not only thermal and nuclear power plants that are wrong. Even the high voltage electricity distribution networks disturb the functioning of the ion exchange between the ionosphere and the earth that has regulated the earth’s climate since ancient times. The only energy that would not interfere with natural electromagnetism would be hydroelectricity without the hydraulic jump of the SPAWHE system that could be produced anywhere, of any size, in a fixed and mobile version without any heat source, using only water, atmospheric air and gravitational force. I have already called this energy “energy of salvation” in other articles without being believed by public and private bodies worldwide.
To save the Planet, we do not need virtual investments with bitcoin, but real ones, as we need to redesign the entire distribution of the world’s fresh water, which is the Earth’s energy vector. Water kept in a liquid state due to its incompressibility and natural ionization characteristics OH+ and H- can satisfy all the needs for the transmission of physical, electrical, electromagnetic, chemical and biological forces, making all other global energy sources useless and expensive. The ideal partner for water is atmospheric air, which, being elastic and compressible, is also an energy accumulator that is not consumed if used at a constant volume. With fully recycled water and air at a constant volume and pressure that does not exit the circuit and consumes only the percentage that dissolves in the water according to Henry’s principle, proportionally to the famous BOD (dissolved oxygen requirement), we have the perfect energy that purifies itself. If public and private science worldwide had worked well since the beginning of the industrial age there would have been no need for any other energy on planet Earth. Instead, even today, science pretends not to even understand the natural scientific principles acquired in previous centuries to allow billionaires to sell useless and harmful fuels and useless and expensive renewables. If global public science continues to hide simple and linear scientific truths in such a blatant way, it means that this planet cannot be saved and we are also condemning our children and grandchildren to submit to this dictatorship made up of an ignorant and presumptuous ruling class but full of money that can buy all political, legal, scientific and legislative alliances, because, currently, everything is connected so that the global truth does not come out. Today, there is no world leader in the fight against global warming and not even environmental associations that raise funds for the environment, which have projects developed in the smallest details, such as the Spawhe system, conceived by the undersigned, in a lifetime of work. Interactive solutions cannot be improvised. You have to know if they have a good chance of working and since there are many it is necessary to be an expert in both industrial and environmental systems. Without such experiences I would never have dared to make the proposals I have made. The first experiences date back to 1970, when I began to study the scientific organization of industrial work and subsequently, from 1986 to 2005, I studied the state of the art of environmental, water lifting and distribution plants managed by public bodies in Italy and Tunisia. The latter are financed by the World Bank on French projects and specifications, not different from the Italian ones. All these plants are incomplete because they do not close all the cycles they open, but no one corrects them because it is necessary to go into many scientific and technological details, developing them simultaneously, both from an industrial and environmental point of view.
Only since 2006, after having earned a modest pension from work, the undersigned has been able to devote himself full time to the activity of inventor, bringing together the scientific organization of industrial work with the environmental one, revolutionizing both sectors and also improving the health sector with the artificial heart oxygenating human blood and all types of global transport, including marine, submarine, aeronautical and space. But the world ruling class has not noticed these inconvenient innovations, both for governments and for the billionaires of then and now, who want to continue selling their raw materials and their technologies, despite the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement, which, however, are inadequate, not knowing the most important inventions concerning the SPAWHE system.
The policy of the American President Trump is very clear and very similar to that of the Russian president: they want to continue selling gas and oil. That of other countries is very ambiguous: they want to sell renewable energy with public aid, in which they have invested, being clearly less efficient. The Spawhe system finds no interlocutors either from the producers of gas and oil, or from the producers of renewable energy, because it would solve both economic and environmental problems at the same time. This is the real reason for the world silence. The world hypocrisy of the scientific, political and business world has reached a level of arrogance towards independent inventors without moral limits. Let me explain with a simple example. “Vivo per lei” is a beautiful Italian song, which lasts about three minutes, composed by the Italian singer-songwriter Luigi Giovanni Maria Panceri with the stage name “Gatto Panceri” in 1996. This song was lucky enough to enter the repertoire of the famous Italian singer Andrea Bocelli. As stated by Gatto Panceri, the royalties of the song still represent an important source of income for him, even if his paternity of the song is often ignored by the general public. While the forty inventions of the undersigned that cost him a whole life of work and over 20,000 euros of expenses in patent filings, did not allow him even one euro of economic gain, which the undersigned would have invested to practically demonstrate with demonstrative prototypes the validity of his inventions. I do not think that Gatto Panceri had to pay taxes to register his song and not even that he had to renew them annually otherwise he would have lost the royalties as happened to the undersigned. If his song had not been successful, he would not have earned anything but he would not have lost anything either.
The work of an independent inventor is a true mission against the current, like Doctors Without Borders who still take a minimum wage to survive. While the undersigned, if he had not first earned his pension with thirty-seven years of work contributions, would not have been able to survive also having a wife and children to support. But how can you give up your environmental and energy ideas without a fight, when all your reflections and experiences lead you in the same direction?
For me, the energy source should be unique and should be called submerged and compressed hydroelectric without the hydraulic jump that can be reinforced at will by putting in series or in parallel multiple plants at the same time. The current world public and private ruling class has pretended not to understand these plants. For this reason I proposed to create an international joint stock company open to all men of good will who care about ensuring a sustainable future for their children and grandchildren. Obviously the company must be called Spawhe S.P.A. On this occasion, as I did in the previous article ( I also publish the IBAN of a current account of the Ing Bank, registered to the undersigned which is currently empty, so that it can be filled by competent people. Not to do charity, but investments with honest profits, certainly, higher than current profits, as the SPAWHE system has the potential to renew the entire world economy. The IBAN is as follows: IT78I0347501605CC0012826539. The objective is as follows: The creation of SPAWHE SPA, which aims to experiment and realize all the inventions of SPAWHE. The risk of investors losing capital is zero. Because if, within a year, the fundraising is not sufficient to set up the company and start the business, the collected capital paid will be returned to the individual financiers. In fact, the following reason must be indicated in the payment transfer: Establishment of SPAWHE SPA. In the intentions of the undersigned, SPAWHE SPA will be a multi-disciplinary joint stock company for the design, testing and construction of fixed and mobile energy and purification anthropic plants. SPAWHE SPA will legally claim the intellectual property of all forty inventions of the undersigned, which are not yet funded by any public or private body in the world. These inventions have not been funded and tested, although they all have the requirement of public social utility.The study of the scientific organization of industrial and environmental work that I have practiced all my life and especially, as a pensioner, when I had more time to think, also serves to avoid useless deaths due to global pollution, and collateral victims of wars and poorly designed anthropic plants by public and private world bodies. It seems to me that the anthropic plants of the SPAWHE system, self-purifying and self-energy, which have not cost even a single euro to world governments and multinationals, even in terms of accident prevention and protection of human life are cutting edge even if the raw materials they use cost nothing. Therefore, there is a cultural abyss between the Science of God and that of men, even if men in power use billion-dollar funding and artificial intelligence.
The Spawhe system has the opportunity to demonstrate its validity as soon as reconstruction can begin in Ukraine and the Gaza Strip. Together we must demonstrate that it is possible to make all civilian homes energy autonomous without any war or terrorist attack being able to interrupt an essential service such as electricity for the simple fact that the public electricity grid is not needed. In fact, the compressed hydroelectric system only needs water that can be recycled infinitely, while atmospheric air is already present in every corner of the Earth together with gravitational force. This system can also be mounted on any type of means of transport. Everyone has the right to the electricity needed to protect themselves from the cold and heat and to cook without being blackmailed by governments and multinationals, as water, air and gravitational force are a common good and God has arranged that with Spawhe’s inventions no one should die of cold, heat or thirst (energy can also be drunk). This has not yet happened on planet Earth due to governments, entrepreneurs and incompetent inventors, who deluded themselves that this scientific truth would never come out. In fact, this truth could have come out at least a hundred years earlier, as I wrote in my previous article 03.07.2024
Spawhe has shown that in the future even the poor will be able to protect themselves from the heat and cold while living in a tent.
The world’s public and private ruling class that has warmed the planet has not been able to identify the only sustainable energy from the economic, scientific, technological and human work organization point of view, which would have maintained the earth’s environment in its natural state, even taking us into space with global linear motors, which, while maintaining the water and air at the earth’s temperature, could add together the Newtonian and Lorentzian thrust and even capture particles of interstellar dust to integrate the minerals. It was not easy to identify this solution. In fact, it took a lifetime of work studying industrial and environmental systems. For this reason I have published in chronological order all the publications and inventions on the website, which gradually, first cleaned up the pollution of fossil energy, then identified the way to economize the processes, producing cold electricity, then the way to produce it also in mobile plants so as not to have the cost of transporting electricity, which in addition to being a cost, also produces environmental damage, interfering with the natural ionic exchange between the earth’s surface and the ionosphere, which science knows well is the system that regulated the earth’s climate perfectly before the industrial era. However, science itself is silent about my solutions. Leaving me alone to fight against the powerful world billionaires who are also their employers. Today the world’s billionaires claim to replace human intelligence with Chinese or American artificial intelligence, which, if it had not been disturbed by occult interests, would have already produced the energy of salvation since the last century, which costs nothing and is called compressed hydroelectricity without the hydraulic jump, which can be composed of modular elements of any size mounted in series or in parallel to create fixed terrestrial plants, or mobile ones, to move in a three-dimensional space without consuming either the energy source (air) or the energy vector (water).
I do not think that artificial intelligence, alone, would have been able to invent the aforementioned energy, which does not yet exist on earth for obscure reasons of interests of the same ruling class, which is what warmed the planet and which today finances American and Chinese artificial intelligence. What American and Chinese artificial intelligence lacks is intellectual honesty, which is what is needed to save the planet from global warming and the unequal distribution of world wealth. If no one enters the data of intellectual honesty into the computer, not even the most powerful quantum computer can elaborate interactive solutions. In fact, interactive principles do not follow scientific principles to the letter. They mainly use scientific paradoxes. It is no coincidence that compressed hydroelectric energy without the hydraulic jump that could have been invented at the beginning of the twentieth century is still not understood by human intelligence and obviously, not even by artificial intelligence. Probably, this is due to the fact that compressed hydroelectricity exploits above all the scientific fluid dynamic paradoxes of Torricelli, Venturi, Bernoulli, Pascal, Henry, Dalton and the principle of impenetrability of bodies, which are concentrated, above all, in the particular use of centrifugal pumps, which for fortunate circumstances due to the shape of the impeller, make good use of these paradoxes in statically pressurized circuits with air always in the gaseous state and water as an energy vector always in the liquid state, to trigger those interactive phenomena that allow energy saving in the phases in which the same slightly modified pumps (with the double separate inlet up to the impeller) would allow the recovery of the water at low pressure and the automatic insertion into the pressurized recycling circuit, which only with this modification, invented by the undersigned, can occur without spending energy. Obviously, in the same circuit we must also insert a pump with multiple impellers used as a turbine, which discharges the hydraulic pressure and produces electrical energy through a direct or alternating current generator.
Clearly, these plants to produce free energy must operate at constant volume and pressure in circuits open only at the exit of the turbines, where the air solubilized in water can exit from the appropriate vents. But this is not a disadvantage because it means that these plants can also be used to purify the water that is used to produce energy. Therefore, the air that exits the vents must be reintegrated to maintain the pressure of the autoclaves constant. Therefore, if we use these plants in space and submarine plants in the future, the air vent valves will have to be positioned in the cabins pressurized at terrestrial pressure where humans, animals and food plants live. Therefore, true human energy is not nuclear, nor thermal, nor solar, nor wind. I do not know how many articles I have already described these things in and I do not know why the world ruling class pretends not to understand the simple, economic and linear functioning of these plants. Therefore, I repeated the scientific concept also on this occasion taking inspiration from the current rivalry between American and Chinese artificial intelligence, which in my opinion, will continue to be unintelligent if they continue to ignore clean energy extracted directly from the environment.
Clearly, these plants to produce free energy must operate at constant volume and pressure in circuits open only at the exit of the turbines, where the air solubilized in water can exit from the appropriate vents. But this is not a disadvantage because it means that these plants can also be used to purify the water that is used to produce energy. Therefore, the air that exits the vents must be reintegrated to maintain the pressure of the autoclaves constant. Therefore, if we use these plants in space and submarine plants in the future, the air vent valves will have to be positioned in the cabins pressurized at terrestrial pressure where humans, animals and food plants live. Therefore, true human energy is not nuclear, nor thermal, nor solar, nor wind. I do not know how many articles I have already described these things in and I do not know why the world ruling class pretends not to understand the simple, economic and linear functioning of these plants. Therefore, I repeated the scientific concept also on this occasion taking inspiration from the current rivalry between American and Chinese artificial intelligence, which in my opinion, will continue to be unintelligent if they continue to ignore clean energy extracted directly from the environment.
Meanwhile, the SPAWHE SPA fundraising, as I write this article, is still at zero Euros, because advertising is the soul of commerce. The superior minds that produced the inventions that produced global warming and those who are working to save the planet with artificial intelligence, do they know what they are doing? I personally have many doubts and I am on the opposite side. On the side of Greenland that does not want to become navigable because of global warming and on the side of Mexico that refuses the mass exodus of human beings because the planet belongs to all human beings. The division between rich and poor countries is another invention created by men without moral principles, but also ignorant, because God’s science is infinitely superior to human science. It is no coincidence that Newton, who certainly was not a man of faith, asserted: What we know is a drop. What we do not know is an ocean. The facts have proven him right because most of the current inventions are fundamentally wrong.
Most countries on Earth still produce electricity with coal. For example, India 70% while China 62%. Instead, coal should only be used to produce steel combined with the limestone greenhouses patented by me but not built because I am a simple pensioner without any political or economic power. Although the laws on industrial intellectual property are clear. You cannot patent the same thing without substantial changes and to date my inventions have never been understood and built, both on the cleaning of fossil fuels and on the production of hydroelectric electricity without the submerged and compressed hydraulic jump, therefore these inventions are still at an intellectual level. But intellectual property is recognized to all authors of works of intellect. Therefore, it must also be recognized by me, especially because it has not been understood by other public and private inventors. The current artificial intelligence does not improve the state of the scientific and technological art but only allows speculation on the stock exchange that improves the economic conditions of speculators without working. While my inventions if they were realized would have brought prosperity everywhere without the costs of transporting electricity on overhead pylons, underground and underwater cables. Without the risk of damage from attacks or accidents and without interfering, especially with the transport of energy on pylons with the natural ionic exchange between the earth’s surface and the ionosphere that regulates the earth’s climate. We just need to distribute the world’s waters better in our interest so that potential excesses do not occur in the mountains that favor floods and droughts due to the absence of water basins in the plains because terrestrial science has not understood that terrestrial energy must be produced at the natural terrestrial temperature in every corner of the earth without being transported anywhere because the bodies that move must produce the energy entirely and transmit it to the outside by electromagnetic means, connecting to the electromagnetism of the universe.
Human intelligence if it were based on sound moral principles, honest and correct work, without stock market speculation that has nothing to do with progress and terrestrial science would have also educated artificial intelligence to understand the interactive principles that nature uses without having technologies. The inventions of the undersigned are simple and economical like natural ones because they do not change anything. They only increase the speed and pressure of water and air. But they are not improvised as I began to study them way back in 1970, even if no one ever believed me. I left everything written on the website, for future generations, hoping that some of them will learn to think with their own head without trusting anyone, but only experiments. If experimentation is denied we do not live in a true democracy. It is no coincidence that no one wanted to experiment with my inventions as the majority of current inventions have produced more harm than good to humanity. But no one corrects them because democratically elected politicians govern who are not technicians, who rely on scientific consultants specialized in specific sectors. The specific scientific sectors are those that have created global warming because they do not design the anthropic plants with multidisciplinary and interactive systems. So, even if everyone were in good faith, global incompetence prevents the correct governance of planet Earth.
Luigi Antonio Pezone