Permanent open letter to ordinary people to explain SPAWHE’s inventions in the time of the unequal distribution of wealth, global warming and Coronaviruses (updated)
What good are inventors independent of the world centers of power? To the question posed at the beginning of this article which is the first page of Spawhe, it is not easy to simply answer that inventors “serve to invent new things in the service of modern society.”...
Terza lettera Aperta al Segretario Dell’Onu Antonio Guterres in occasione del prossimo vertice del futuro
I leader mondiali si riuniranno per il Vertice del Futuro il 22-23 settembre alle Nazioni Unite a New York per forgiare un nuovo consenso internazionale e garantire che il sistema multilaterale sia attrezzato per guidare una risposta più potente alle sfide e alle...
Third Open Letter to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on the occasion of the upcoming Future Summit
World leaders will gather for the Future Summit on September 22-23 at the United Nations in New York to forge a new international consensus and ensure that the multilateral system is equipped to lead a more powerful response to today’s challenges and opportunities. As...
By clicking on the following link:, the sums raised appear, which will be used to create demonstrative prototypes of how the environment should...
Global environmental and energy fundraising must be called SPAWHE
Summary What is fundraising: research activities for the funds necessary to carry out work and social development activities with funds coming from public bodies, donations, companies, foundations and individuals. Probably, it is a more sustainable and democratic...
Sorry for the delay (for the hopefully definitive clarification of some aspects of terrestrial energy)
By clicking on the following link:, the sums raised appear, which will be used to create demonstrative prototypes of how the environment should...
The future of terrestrial common sense is called Submerged, compressed and reinforced hydroelectric energy without the hydraulic jump.
I wrote this article, as a presentation of a future joint-stock company named SPAWHE (Synergic Plants Artificial Welling Hydroelectric Energy) to participate in a startup according to the following website entrepreneurs-2024,...