World leaders will gather for the Future Summit on September 22-23 at the United Nations in New York to forge a new international consensus and ensure that the multilateral system is equipped to lead a more powerful response to today’s challenges and opportunities.
As a simple citizen of the world, as well as a designer and inventor of environmental solutions never before tested on planet Earth, on the occasion of this important summit, I take the liberty of publishing the following recent correspondence with a fake office of the UN presidency.
rispondi a:
data: 7 set 2024, 07:33
oggetto: Transfer of US$15,600,600.00 to your bank account
Transfer of US$15,600,600.00 to your bank account
We wish to congratulate you for the compensation payment of US$15,600,000 to your account.
For immediate transfer, kindly contact Mrs. Mary Alexander today with the below information for more details and she will give you guidelines on how to claim your US$15,600,000 payment into your bank account within 3 days.
Contact Name: Mrs. Mary Alexander
Please note: All correspondences to Mrs. Mary Alexander have the reference number: SNDS/GBD450/FS,
sent along with your Full Names and Telephone numbers for prompt attention.
Emily Michael
Financial services, UK
My response was as follows:
Dear Mrs. Mary Alexander, I thank your institution for the generous donation and I am attaching my latest article published on the website https://www., where, under the title, is the address of the association that deals with fundraising to fight global warming with my solutions. If you have any problems making the payment, please inform me immediately and we will find another solution. I really hope that your donation is real because up to now I have only received false donations, for this reason I turned to the organization
Best regard
Luigi Antonio Pezone
This was the attached document.:
I chose the fundraising solution because I got tired of the silence of the world institutions, of the great science awarded with Nobel and above all, of the false financiers who ask me for personal information and bank details just to extort money from me. My activity as an inventor is a total economic loss. I carried it forward only to obey technical and scientific intuitions, which I, a simple mechanical expert, should not have had. But thinking about it, and thinking about my entire working life, I understood that I had been guided on a special professional training path by a superior scientific entity. In fact, in recent years, having stopped producing inventions, I dedicated myself more to scientific reading and found confirmation that I had not made any mistakes in my inventions, even if I did not have a complete vision of how the planet works and even less of the universe. My inventions arise from the development of practical details of the operation of fluid dynamic systems and machines and from the exploitation of potential energies present in nature, which to be exploited need human ingenuity, to overcome the state of inertia and subsequently the same ingenuity, to maintain primary kinetic energy over time, transforming it into electrical and electromagnetic energy, and related equipment functioning at the service of men, consuming materials through wear and tear and aging, but producing energy infinitely, being extracted from the terrestrial environment without interruption from inexhaustible energy sources, such as water, air and gravitational force. On the other hand, these three essential elements for the life of men, animals and plants, have always been regenerated infinitely by terrestrial nature in a natural way before the advent of industrial development.
Scientific publications on climatology and climate change, which denounce the excesses of vapor and CO2 in the atmosphere, for me, are potential negative energies that accumulate in the environment, which become uncontrollable by the ion exchange system between the Earth and the ionosphere that had found the right balance after 4.5 billion. Just before the current industrialization, which together with the comforts, also brought the seeds of rapid destruction, which will not be as slow as the natural cleansing of the Earth’s environment from primordial atmospheric gases. With the current rate of cloudbursts, floods and droughts, which has found the planet without the energy, purification and structural infrastructures necessary to deal with them, there will not be time to repair the damage before even more serious damage occurs. Because the entire ruling class still refuses to go into the details of the wrong anthropic systems at the level of water distribution, purification and fixed energy. Whose basic wrong technology (Thermodynamics) has also negatively affected mobile plants and in particular means of transport and work. Clearly, the alternative development to stop global warming reported on the website is entirely fluid dynamic and the electrical energy is extracted cold from the terrestrial environment, without being transported at high voltage on overhead pylons as the electrical energy is extracted simply and economically from the same water that we will use in agriculture, industry, homes, sewers, purifiers and means of transport and work. In fact, once we have ascertained that we do not need the hydraulic jump to produce hydroelectric energy, we must do nothing but distribute it better on the territory, simultaneously stopping both climate change and the unequal distribution of world wealth, which is largely due to the trade of thermal energy and the inventions connected to it.
I find it very strange that academic science, which knows climate problems better than I do, continues to remain silent about my solutions only because I do not belong to the world of public research, which among other things, actively collaborates with multinational research also through the trade of industrial patents. This is demonstrated by the billions spent in the CCS system which involved the most important scientists in the world only to hide the problem and continue to consume fuels even with lower thermal yields, as if there were no scientific alternatives to thermal energy.
I believe that global warming has been legally produced by governments and multinationals with the tacit consent of all social categories that receive public funding and donations, but do nothing concrete to improve the social conditions of humanity, without first thinking about personal profit or that of the academic or corporate category to which they belong.
The undersigned, as soon as he reached the minimum requirements to retire, armed himself with patience and as described in the Spawhe nursery rhyme, began to produce simple inventions to prevent the acidification of sewage starting from domestic systems and the modification of world chimneys to create global systems that would start right from the sewage system to create complete cycles that would also consume the CO2 in the subsoil through sewage sedimentators equipped with surface oxidation and artificial rains on calcareous materials that would produce complete organic and inorganic cycles, producing, above all, carbonates in the water and also fighting the acidification of lakes and seas. To reduce, above all, the energy cost of these processes, due to the lifting, circulation of the water and its oxidation, almost automatically, he was forced, in the subsequent phases, to invent a different way of producing energy that he called submerged and compressed hydroelectric. Which, not only does not require the hydraulic jump to produce electrical energy, but actually, allows you to oxygenate polluted water for free, because every time the water that produces electrical energy enters the pressurized autoclave, it absorbs oxygen and purifies itself without energy costs. These systems that I began to think about in 2006 and that have also grown with mobile applications mounted on work vehicles and even to create small artificial hearts that are energy autonomous, which by producing the energy needed oxygenate the blood instead of water. Finally, I realized that by producing electrical energy cold, we can add together with Newton’s thrust also the Lorentz thrust to better overcome the gravitational force without cumbersome cooling systems and equally cumbersome and expensive fuels. Therefore with my energy, extracted directly from the terrestrial environment we can also hypothesize the creation of aeronautical and space systems.
But keeping our feet on the ground, with the inventions of SPAWHE, if they had been understood, we would already have the starting points to fight global warming instead of waiting for the same people who boycotted the inventions of SPAWHE to come and talk to us about future solutions, certainly for a fee, because scientific research has very high costs, the new fuels with zero CO2 emissions will have high production costs, in particular, the new nuclear that will replace nuclear fission with fusion, which does not produce carbon dioxide, but radioactive waste that would be easier to manage. For the great world science this would be an advantage. This science has completely forgotten about steam that causes much more damage than CO2 being made up of water that has a density 830 times higher than atmospheric air and therefore with the climate changes triggered by the same ionized water in the atmosphere it assumes a proportionally higher quantity of kinetic energy, transforming normal rain and snowfall into storms and typhoons. As a simple designer, installer of anthropic systems and only as a retired inventor of forty patents hindered by science, governments and multinationals, which have not even cost taxpayers a single euro, I believe that huge investments are needed today to put things right. Unfortunately, all the world’s wealth is in the hands of the same ruling class that created global warming and tried to hide CO2 underground. Fortunately, they did not succeed, but they still spent a few hundred billion dollars to search for storage sites a thousand meters deep and study the chemical washing of fuels that already have low yields. Let’s not talk about electric cars that, given the low efficiency of storing electricity, always produced from fossil fuels, cause even more CO2 emissions to be recharged. If, on the other hand, we charge them with nuclear energy, in addition to the low efficiency of recharging, we must also take into account the emissions of steam emitted by the nuclear power plant which is a greenhouse gas that has double the impact of CO2. Solar panels and wind turbines are discontinuous, with low yields and the transport of energy, in addition to affecting the economic cost, interferes with the natural exchange between the Ionosphere and the Earth’s surface which is the true thermoregulation system of the planet. How can we think that by positioning a solar power plant in space, on a geostationary orbit at about 36,000 km from the Earth’s surface, solar panels always exposed to the sun at all hours of the day and in all seasons can transmit electrical energy to the earth without interfering even more with the aforementioned system that we have already altered with the current thermal, nuclear, solar and wind inventions. This solution called SOLARIS, which the European Space Agency is studying, for the undersigned, will further worsen the situation, from an economic and climatic point of view.
Faced with these absurd solutions, I can only insist with my solutions, which are so logical and simple that they cannot fail (this is why I believe that they were suggested to me by a superior scientific entity), we can bring the planet back to the same climatic conditions of the pre-industrial era, with the same percentages of CO2, steam and natural atmospheric disturbances, as if industrial development had never occurred. However, we will not have to give up the internal climatic well-being of homes nor give up the comfort of terrestrial, marine, submarine and aeronautical means of work and transport and finally we will also be able to create sustainable space transport, since compressed hydroelectric energy has greater potential than thermal energy, wearing out materials less. It is no coincidence that current science has never been able to add the thrust of Newton and Lorentz, which with current technologies cannot be added, although these energies (fossil, nuclear, chemical, biochemical, solar, wind) are more cumbersome and expensive than compressed hydroelectromagnetic energy, which I have been proposing in vain for ten years, only receiving silence. No one has ever contested my inventions. The entire scientific, political, entrepreneurial ruling class and the world’s people have pretended that these inventions do not exist. After all, as they say, if they are roses they will bloom. There is no more time to wait for roses to bloom. Nature is rebelling against the wrong inventions of men. The damage caused by climate change will not allow us to find the resources necessary for reconstruction if we do not immediately change the Earth’s energy and environmental policy. For this reason I took the liberty of proposing a public and transparent fundraiser, where every penny spent will be justified, not to save the world directly, but to create demonstrative prototypes that the Spawhe system really works and all the countries in the world can copy it freely without asking permission from any multinational, because intellectual property has nothing to do with industrial property. It is a property that is recognized to all authors of intellectual works, as long as the author is known, even if it is a simple song. Strangely, the WIPO (Word Intellectual Property Organization), which is a body of the UN, does not recognize intellectual property only to inventors, having associated it with industrial property. This means that poor people cannot be inventors, if they do not find investors, public or private, who industrialize the inventions. Despite knowing this serious global legislative anomaly, the undersigned has filed over forty industrial patents, paying only the national filing fees. Only for six patents has he also paid international fees. If we consider that after the third year of filing, the owner of the invention is also required to pay annual patent maintenance fees in the countries where the patent was filed, we can easily understand the reasons why an inventor who cannot find financiers cannot afford to maintain industrial property rights of the inventions But it is impossible to understand the reasons why inventors should also lose the rights to intellectual property, which involved years of study and research. In the case of SPAWHE inventions, we are not talking about commercial inventions that are unconnected to each other, but about inventions that are interactively connected to each other and born in chronological order. The subsequent ones could not be conceived without hypothesizing the functioning of the previous inventions. Therefore, the work of the intellect is fundamental to establish a complex system of connections between different inventions that together prevent the phenomena that participate in the production of anomalous atmospheric disturbances and at the same time trigger natural purification and energy processes at the temperature of the terrestrial environment, based on known scientific principles of Henry, Dalton. Pascal, Venturi, Maxwell, Lorentz, Tesla, so that fluid dynamics, electromagnetism and mechanics work together to coldly extract energy from the terrestrial environment without producing pollution in the atmosphere and waters of the planet. I believe that nothing concrete can be invented without direct knowledge of the scientific organization of work in the sectors interested in innovations. I have dedicated my entire professional life, consisting of seventeen years of experience in the design and installation of systems in the automotive industry, followed by twenty years of specific experience in the design and installation of energy and environmental systems. Only as a pensioner, starting in 2006, based on the sum of both experiences, I allowed myself to propose myself as an inventor. The experience of the automotive industry helped me to know the best technologies and the scientific organization of work to speed up industrial processes, while the knowledge of public energy and environmental systems helped me to identify which environmental and energy work cycles should be strengthened. It was and still is necessary, above all, to identify how to transform some existing strategic machines and devices, so that they simultaneously perform multiple functions to accelerate both energy and purification processes. It took forty inventions, which I filed and published in chronological order over the years from 2006 to 2020, that public and private science did not understand and never financed. I was able to make the connections between these inventions only in the following years, when, according to international industrial patent laws, my previous patents had already expired, as I had not paid the annual maintenance fees. But what is serious is the fact that the entire world political, scientific, economic ruling class, both in Communist and capitalist countries, still today, has not noticed anything, being lined up on opposite sides to fight each other with trade wars that do not exploit the interactive energetic and purifying principles identified by the undersigned. So, even if I had paid the annual maintenance fees, as I had not practically demonstrated the functioning of my inventions, my patents would have expired anyway for the entire world ruling class. In the meantime, the weapons of destruction, which use other technologically advanced scientific principles, which destroy men (especially innocent children) and the environment, have had all the funding they need to fight each other on Earth, in the seas and in the atmosphere. This ruling class has been able to completely hide the energy that I have been trying in vain to spread since 2014 through my little website ( that can be extracted directly from the environment in every corner of the Earth, including the poles and deserts, so that no man or child on planet Earth can suffer the heat or the cold or the lack of water and food, due to the ignorance of the men who govern and those who remain silent for a fee and who have developed destructive technologies that we are seeing daily in the ongoing wars. Above all, in Ukraine and in the Gaza At the same time, because of my unrealized inventions, we are witnessing an unprecedented acceleration of climate change, with immense damage that cannot be repaired, while other even more serious disasters are coming. Clearly, the earth’s nature is rebelling against the energy and environmental inventions that humans have been making since the advent of the industrial era, without anyone having concretely opposed them, because even the advertised renewable energies, such as solar and wind, are inefficient and aggravate the problems because terrestrial energy must be produced completely cold and must not be transported over distances on high-voltage pylons. It must be produced locally cold in the quantity needed with complete hydroelectromagnetic cycles compressed without being transported. It is the same energy produced that is self-transported over distances in mobile plants having the possibility of producing Newtonian or Lorentz thrust on board, or the sum of the two thrusts together. The technologies of peace and well-being, proposed by the undersigned, have been boycotted by the entire world ruling class, having been proposed by a simple pensioner not linked to any public or private power center. But these solutions are within the reach of all countries, rich and poor. They would extract clean energy directly from the Earth’s environment, through sustainable inventions, which would exploit the Earth’s gravitational force, atmospheric air and natural water. These three natural elements, which cost nothing, but are equally technologically advanced from a chemical, physical, biological and electromagnetic point of view (by the will of the Creator of the Universe), could solve all the problems of our time, simply by entrusting gravity and compressed air with the role of energy source and natural water, the role of physical and electromagnetic energy vector, thanks to its characteristics of density, incompressibility and natural ionization in the presence of an electric field. So, through the correct design of hydroelectromagnetic systems, more or less compressed, without the hydraulic jump, but with the complete recycling of water and air, we can produce all the energy needed to manage the planet earth in fixed and mobile systems and also to go into space. Without neglecting the fact that the compressed hydroelectromagnetic system, appropriately shrunk, can enter the human chest and can be used to create small artificial hearts that oxygenate human blood, which will allow us to extend human life beyond all expectations, being able to intervene, both in neurology and in the physiological and pulmonary systems at the same time. All this is still unknown to terrestrial science that is investing in commercial inventions that continue to heat the planet, also because of science, not that of the past, but of the present. A true scientist or inventor does not sell out his ideas. He fights to the end so that the truth comes out. Only in this way can errors be corrected. To err is human, to persist in fundamentally flawed designs and inventions, as the entire world ruling class is doing, is diabolical. Impartial experimentation is the true world democracy. It was not democratic to deny experimentation to my forty inventions without saying so openly. Simply ignoring them, despite the patent filings and publications, which have been made accessible to all free of charge by the undersigned. Some publishers would also like to be paid because academics with publications earn merit titles that allow career advancement. While the undersigned has to fight with the entire world to be believed. Only the facts prove me right, but I would have to pay lawyers to prove it. With what money? My inventions, unpaid by anyone, have made me poorer than when I was an employee. At least they paid me overtime and they also paid me vacations. These are the laws of men. Those of God no one knows. Not even the churches that have sufficient economic means to finance at least some demonstration prototypes. For this reason I invite the entire world population to finance SPAWHE City which only serves to demonstrate practically that all fixed and mobile anthropic plants can be designed differently from the current ones without producing pollution but improving environment and the world economy.
Luigi Antonio Pezone
The next letter received was as follows:
9 Sep 2024 04.14
Dear Luigi Antonio
This is to acknowledge the receipt of your email as regards your
fund transfer.
We received an urgent memo from our head office with your reference
number to process your funds transfer of US $15,600,000.00 with our
paying bank and transferred electronically to your designated bank
account in your country within the next 3 working days.
We therefore demand for your decision on the mode of transfer of your
fund, either you want your funds to be transferred electronically to
your designated bank account in your country or bank draft and ATM card
Kindly open the attachment and fill the payment FORM from UNITED
NATION and i assure you and as soon as all these is done your fund
will be process and been transfer into your account you will provide
Yours sincerely,
Mrs. Mary Alexander
United Nations Development Programme
United Nations House
My response was as follows.
Luigi Antonio Pezone
9 set 2024, 18:24
As I have already written to you, I prefer that you as the United Nations finance my work as an inventor through an official body of non-profit donations, where I undertake to use these funds to test my inventions of public social utility. I have already had contact with false officials of the United Nations and I do not want to repeat such experiences. I do not think there are problems in verifying the authenticity of my person, there being a website There are also five international patents filed in my name at WIPO which is a body of the United Nations. I do not see the reasons why you cannot pay the money according to the instructions given in the following link: :
Best Regard
Luigi Antonio Pezone
United Nation’s response was as follows:
Mar 10 Sep, 04:40
Thanks, I don’t have much to say here, just fill out the form so I can direct you to the paying bank
My response was as follows.
Luigi Antonio Pezone
mar 10 set, 11:43
The information you request concerns my bank details which are confidential. There is no need for this data to finance a non-profit inventor who asks for money to solve serious environmental and energy problems of the world that are still unresolved, through an association that guarantees the destination of the funding. If you are really a body of the United Nations, you should thank me because I am doing the work that the scientists of the IPCC were unable to do. Furthermore, you have other ways to contact the undersigned, not with ordinary gmail mail, but through certified mail. My certified mail address is the following: What is your certified mail address? Furthermore, I should provide this data directly to the bank that received the payment order, after it has provided me with all the prepared documentation. But there is also a simpler way to finance my inventions and that is to make direct payments on the form that appears by clicking on the site that I have already provided you: -plants-artificial-welling-hydroelectrenergy?qid=669693a9518559019eb1d9746f7a08b8
Luigi Antonio Pezone
The entire correspondence with these false UN officials ended when they realized that they would never have my bank details, where, in any case, there is only the money from my modest pension.
.But the question that I ask myself on the occasion of this new Future Summit of September 22-23, 2024 is how we can have confidence in the United Nations Organization, after the world public science, including the IPCC, awarded the Nobel in 2007 together with the former vice president of the United States, tried to hide the CO2 underground with the C.C.S system, which despite having been a total failure cost a hundred billion worldwide, partly to search for storage sites, partly to experiment with the chemical washing of fossil fuels that further increase the cost of energy (up to 30% for coal and up to 12% for gas and oil).
My solutions, which have not cost the world community a single euro, until proven otherwise, are still valid. Why are they not worth testing? Without solving environmental and global warming problems.
I am sure that with submerged and compressed hydroelectricity I would completely eliminate fossil energy in fixed and mobile energy plants. I would only keep fossil energy in steel mills, in large incineration plants, where I would capture the fumes with modified chimneys that are another international patent of the undersigned not financed by anyone 04.07.2014 , followed by artificial rains and limestone greenhouses which are contained in another international patent, also never realized.
As an inventor unwanted by the entire world ruling class, I do not expect anything good from the next United Nations conference called the future, after having seen the results of the C.C.S. and the lack of funding for my systems for cleaning fossil energy with artificial rain, to economize which I invented submerged and compressed hydroelectric energy that would extract clean energy directly from the environment. I would never have arrived at this solution if I had not tried to seriously clean fossil energy, just as the many scientists and researchers who participated in developing the C.C.S. system did not arrive at it. I thank the false UN officials who, with their attempted fraud, gave me the opportunity to write this third open letter to the UN Secretary, who did not respond to the previous letters, as did not respond the other public and private interlocutors who hold the current world wealth, who together with those who preceded them, have never innovated the energy and purification systems, which could have been innovated a hundred years ago, simply with a better fluid dynamics plant design that included in the processes the gravitational force and the physical and electromagnetic characteristics of water and atmospheric air.
To the United Nations that have dedicated the next summit to the future, I would like to ask what problem they have in trying solutions, which with hindsight, could have been developed immediately after the invention of electricity and the first hydroelectric plant in the world, born in 1890. In fact the hydraulic jump. It is nothing other than the exploitation of the potential energy due to the gravitational force, which, I have noticed, can be exploited in various forms, even without the hydraulic jump within the same basin. It is sufficient to pipe a small part of the surface water and provide it with kinetic energy using a centrifugal pump that instead of lifting the water, pumps it downwards, in the direction of the gravitational force. Immediately below, or a few meters away, use an identical pump, but mounted in reverse so that it opposes the kinetic energy produced by the first. By connecting an electric motor to the pump above and a generator to the pump below, we can easily notice that the current produced by the generator is much higher than the electrical energy absorbed by the motor that powers the upper pump. This fact depends on the shape of the impeller which in the first case increases the flow rate and in the second case increases the pressure functioning as a turbine that powers the current generator. It is enough to observe how the impeller of a centrifugal pump is made to understand the above reasoning: the restrictions of the sections increase the speed and decrease the force of the pressure, while the expansions of the sections do the opposite: they expand the pressure in all directions, according to Pascal’s principle. This same reasoning led me to the conception of the pump with the double separate supply up to the impeller, which allows the dynamic equilibrium of two pressures that enter the same impeller at the same time, therefore, with this pump, we can insert into the pressurized recycling circuit of a pressure vessel the same amount of water that we let out to produce hydroelectric energy in a separate circuit. Without changing the volume of water in the pressure vessel, the pressure does not change either, therefore, we do not consume energy. This is the most important energy and purification invention of all time, which can also be used in other fixed systems, such as submerged purifiers in basins, in wells, in domestic systems. The entire world of science has pretended not to understand it only because the inventor did not have the economic means to realize it. But he continued to develop virtual projects. He also used the same pump to create the hydroelectric car with peripheral driving torques on the wheels, the artificial heart oxygenating the human blood, flying and floating cars, the space transportation system, the interspace dust capture system, the space and submarine transportation system with global linear motors. In fact, the invention of the pump with the double separate power supply up to the impeller is essential to modify all the hydroelectric plants in the world that are dangerous and wasteful of energy. Dangerous because to produce the maximum amount of energy, today the basins are kept full and cause the increase of floods and the collapse of the dams. Wasteful, because with the insertion of the pumps equipped with the double separate power supply, we can produce hydroelectric energy all year round maintaining the hydroelectric basins with minimum levels, without wasting water. Furthermore, with the insertion of the pressurized hydroelectric system, we can increase the production of energy, as if we were exploiting a much higher water level. I did not find it strange that the United Nations that manages the world patents do not realize the importance of my inventions, because the most important inventions were rejected with the accusation of “perpetual motion” against which I would have had to oppose with legal appeals, further weakening my scarce finances. But I have always had faith in divine justice. Working alone on these topics, between industry, environment and unpaid volunteering as a pensioner, I have spent 55 years, until now without ever finding public and private interlocutors willing to listen. I have not been able to prevent the events, but I have done my best by publishing my solutions immediately, immediately after the patents were filed. This is why I titled one of my latest articles “Excuse the delay”03.07.2024 We will see if the participants at the next summit of the future will be equally capable of going into the details of the solutions and will assume their responsibilities for the choices they make and those they will make. Which, for consistency, cannot be very different from those made up to now, which have produced global warming, climate change and the current distribution of world wealth.
Water, air and gravitational force cannot be separated when designing globally anthropic systems for the simple fact that the natural terrestrial systems, designed by the Creator of the universe, are already perfect systems, which with the times required by nature, close all the cycles that they open. While the fluid dynamics and thermodynamics systems designed by men have been completely wrong.
I, as a designer and inventor of anthropic systems, have only tried to improve the technology that nature is not able to develop on its own to increase the speed of processes and satisfy the world’s greatest needs for food, heat, cold and study ways to speed up transportation, without upsetting natural systems.
In my solutions I have never used unnatural energies and I have realized that we can easily increase the speed of the processes with the tools provided by nature which are none other than gravitational force, water and atmospheric air. Aqua is already ionized by the natural ionic exchange between the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere, through lightning that occurs in the atmosphere at a rate of about 2000 every second and already has the physical and electromagnetic characteristics that man would never have been able to invent alone in an environment other than Earth, while atmospheric air is already pressurized to a pressure of one bar. Therefore, to increase the speed of terrestrial food and energy processes we must do nothing other than locally increase the circulation and pressure of water which, in its liquid state, circulating in the systems acts as a physical and electromagnetic energy vector. Atmospheric air, which is already clean, flexible and compressible even at thousands of bars, if stored in a gaseous state and therefore at room temperature, is the ideal energy source and at a very low cost like water and contains oxygen in the right proportions to develop current animal and plant life forms. Therefore, the creator of the universe has provided us for free, in addition to the best physical and electromagnetic energy vector, also the best energy source, which purifies itself. All we had to do was correctly develop the technologies to circulate the water with the right pressure in the pumps that power the turbines, which through the current generators power the motors that turn the pumps. Machines with a rotary system and control of the number of revolutions are certainly easier to manage than thermal ones with alternative cycles and continuous pressurizations and depressions.
With the correct design, the energy produced by the generators is always much higher than the energy absorbed by the motors of the pumps present in the same circuit, since the energy source is contained in the compressed air that originates from the gravitational force and must be exploited in one direction as the gravitational force is used. If we use it with a double flow direction they create simple energy actuators such as pneumatic cylinders. To use the pressure of the compressed air in one direction we must pressurize the autoclaves and circulate the water instead of the air. We recycle the water in one direction through the pumps with the double separate power supply, which allow us to insert the water with lower pressure into the circuits for recycling the water that circulates with higher pressure, we can extract energy infinitely from the earth’s environment in open or closed systems. This is the reason why the energy produced by the generators is always higher than the energy absorbed by the motors that circulate the water in the circuits. the energy miracle occurs in the body of the pump with the double separate power supply due to the combined effect of two scientific paradoxes, by Giovan Battista Venturi (the depression produced by a constriction, which in this specific case is the entry of water into the pump, allows an external liquid with lower pressure to be inserted into the pressurized circuit), but above all, it is Pascal’s principle that performs the energy miracle (the pressure expands in all directions when the speed of the fluid decreases, which in this specific case is the widening of the passage section of a centrifugal impeller). Therefore, the greater production of energy by the current generators compared to the energy needed for the circulation of the water, allows other electric motors to be powered that produce Newtonian thrusts, Lorentz thrusts, or heat pumps, refrigeration cycles, which terrestrial science has never exploited rationally. It is very strange that the entire terrestrial science is silent on this subject since 2015, the year in which I filed the patent for the pump with the double separate power supply up to the impeller, which is also an international patent that expired because the undersigned could not pay the maintenance taxes in all the countries of the world with his pension. However, it would not have been correct to try to have a monopoly on an invention so important for world development. Instead, the world ruling class has completely hidden it.
It is clear that the current world ruling class does not want energy to be free for everyone and among them there is also the United Nations, which through the patent trade, influences the advancement of the state of the art of the environment and world energy. My inventions are never considered suitable for such trade because they use very high quality products, invented by the creator of the universe, which cost nothing.
Meanwhile on planet Earth we continue to consume fuels or nuclear energy, which are not compatible with the terrestrial environment otherwise they would not have produced global warming. The division of the atom, not only is not compatible with the terrestrial environment it is also very expensive. At most on planet Earth you can use the excitation of atoms that is already used in nuclear medicine and in industrial applications that use laser beams. Current renewables such as solar and wind are more expensive and less practical than submerged and compressed hydroelectricity which would have no side effects. It makes no sense to produce energy with solar panels which is not a direct fluid dynamic passage but through heat and therefore, with the production of steam, which interferes with the natural ion exchange with the ionosphere, while wind turbines also cost more and involve the transport of energy on aerial pylons which also interfere with the ion exchange with the ionosphere. This is also one of the problems underestimated by current world science, apart from the costs of transporting the energy itself.
Luigi Antonio Pezone