I am updating this article on 10/18/2024 leaving it in the chronological place of 07/28/2024 to add in the initial part some reflections due to the subsequent fundraising campaign launched by the undersigned on 08/01/2024. which was not successful due to the clear inexperience of the undersigned in advertising his work. I turned to people more experienced in internet communication, in particular, Fiverr which is a global online marketplace, which obviously, for a fee, I hope will help me find interlocutors interested in my purification and energy systems, which still collect silence from institutional bodies and multinationals, despite the clear failure of their purification and energy systems in the face of global warming. Obviously Fivver only has the task of making my work known, it cannot go into detail about the solutions, of which I alone am the author. First of all I report the link that must be pasted on Google to make the sums collected appear, which is the following :
What is fundraising: research activities for the funds necessary to carry out work and social development activities with funds coming from public bodies, donations, companies, foundations and individuals. Probably, it is a more sustainable and democratic solution than a joint-stock company, which I had unsuccessfully proposed with the article published on 28.02.2020, subsequently, I also proposed fundraising on 27.11. 2021,
clicking on the following link:,
the sums raised appear, which will be used to create demonstrative
prototypes of how the environment should be purified and how fixed and mobile
sustainable energy should be produced in all sectors of terrestrial activities
and similar planets and satellites in the universe, where biological life,
chlorophyll photosynthesis and the carbon cycle have developed, which allow for
the cold extraction of already clean energy from the same environment, which is
infinitely recycled also in means of transport, including space transport,
which need to add together Newton’s and Lorentz’s thrust to bypass
gravitational force and navigate in space without fuels and nuclear energy that
are not compatible with biological life and the life of human beings. The
inventions of SPAWHE proposed by the terrestrial inventor Luigi Antonio Pezone
(who claims to have had the probable help of the Creator of the universe to
conceive them). He does not consider himself superior to other inventors, of
the present and of the past. who have not been able to conceive these
inventions, which are, in fact, still virtual and need the support of the
entire world population to be tested.
I return again to propose fundraising because the environmental situation of the planet is worsening day by day due to energy, purification and water distribution systems that are inadequate for the earth’s needs. My task as inventor of a global energy, purification and management system for energy and terrestrial water distribution is not to resign myself to being misunderstood by the powerful and by science, but to continue to fight, addressing the world’s people directly. I have little left to live, being seventy-five years old and with various pathologies, including diabetes and an initial phase of Parkinson’s, therefore, I have no time to waste. If I had aimed to achieve personal wealth in life, having always had a certain predisposition to solve technical and scientific problems in a practical way, I would have concentrated on commercial inventions. Instead, I have dedicated my professional life to the knowledge and in-depth analysis of industrial and environmental systems because the wrong technical and scientific choices with large mass production can cause enormous damage to the environment and to the life of living beings.
While the correct technical and scientific choices can do the opposite, improving the climate, the planet’s food production, and extending human life.
Unfortunately, the development we have created has only shown the worst side of human possibilities, creating more harm than good. Especially global warming.
Only as a pensioner did I make my proposals, knowing that I would displease everyone, since on planet Earth it is necessary to follow everywhere the scientific organization of global work, very similar to that studied and published in 1911 by Frederick Taylor, but applied globally, involving simultaneously all existing sciences and technologies on the planet updated to the latest state of the art in all anthropic, civil, industrial, agricultural, fixed and mobile, terrestrial, marine, aeronautical and space installations.
Thanks to the gravitational force, universal electromagnetism, the chemical composition of the compressible atmospheric air and the chemical composition of the incompressible and naturally ionized water in [H+] and [OH-] ions, clean energy on planet Earth is everywhere. We just have to extract it differently from the current systems and we all benefit, above all, future generations.
The city of SPAWHE
I am looking for some important non-profit association to raise public and private funds in order to create together a sort of Disneyland, which as we know is a small city of entertainment. The city of SPAWHE, on the other hand, will be less fun, but more concrete to prepare future generations to face the now evident climate changes, which have found the world ruling class, especially the scientific one, completely unprepared. The latter has denounced the problems but remained silent on my solutions that I have deposited in forty patent deposits, starting from 2006. Without these important associations it is not possible to create links where people of good will can donate funds to start creating an alternative development model capable of cooling the planet to the pre-industrial temperature level. With completely clean energy. The solutions have already been published on
It takes about 100,000,000. dollars or euros, which is the same amount that billionaire Helon Musk wanted to donate to those who would have captured CO2 from the atmosphere, which is only one of the problems faced and solved by the undersigned, unfortunately, only virtually, without public and private funding. I quote the following article from 01.02. 2021 -atmosphere/, If my solution of capturing CO2 with artificial rainfall to produce carbonates in the water had met Helon Musk’s expectations, the first works of the city of Spawhe would have already been completed and I would not have bothered the world’s people to make this small effort to raise these funds. All together we could do it even without Musk’s help, we don’t know if he gave the prize to someone, or he enjoyed making fun of those who really tried to solve the problem. In my open letter to Mr. Helon Musk, I explained that CO2 is only one cause of global warming and must be addressed by developing many details of the design of anthropogenic plants that earth science has never developed. In fact, it is very strange that with so many Nobel Prizes of the last century and the current one, it fell to a simple pensioner like myself to make a very simple reflection: If we intubate and mount a pump in any reservoir with the delivery downwards and under it we mount a hydraulic turbine connected to a current generator, the simple positive head on the pump is sufficient to produce electric energy indefinitely without the hydraulic jump and without dispersing the water which continues to be used for agricultural, civil and industrial purposes as long as it maintains a positive head on the pump axis. This simple system that I called submerged hydroelectric, did not warm the hearts of academic scientists and those of multinationals. So, I invented the compressed hydroelectric system which is a little more complex, which does not need a reservoir, where the pressure to the hydraulic circuit is supplied by the compressed air of an autoclave which directly powers the turbine, or by a multi-stage centrifugal pump , mounted in reverse with respect to the normal flow of water, which in this case performs the function of a turbine, to which instead of the engine we connect a current generator, which produces compressed hydroelectric energy. While the water discharged from the turbine or from the pump used as a turbine, passes through a small tank at atmospheric pressure from which it feeds a special centrifugal pump invented by the undersigned (with the double separate power supply up to the impeller) which allows to recover the the water that produced the compressed hydroelectric energy and to insert it again into the pressurized recycling circuit of the autoclave, consuming only the energy that a recycling pump consumes (the two flows, high and low pressure, meeting in the same impeller , they leave the pump with a single pressure, which is the highest one, due to Pascal’s principle, which states that the pressure expands in all directions and they return together to the autoclave). I also used this same circuit to patent a small artificial heart oxygenator for the blood because every time the water or human blood passes through the pump used as a turbine, by discharging the pressure they also discharge the gaseous impurities contained in the water or in the human blood and every time the water or blood passes through the autoclave again it becomes enriched with oxygen.
I went into these details even more following the disaster at the Bargi power plant in Italy, which could have been avoided if this power plant had been transformed into a plant that produces submerged hydroelectric energy with water recycling, reinforced with the hydroelectric system compressed, which are two subsequent patents of the undersigned, from the year 2014 which can work independently, or together. In particular to rationalize the efficiency of l’efficienza degli impianti idroelettrici già esistenti. Which too often produce major environmental disasters due to the fact that heavy rains, finding water basins full to the maximum level to produce hydroelectric energy, pour downstream with greater violence and in some cases even produce the collapse of dams. Instead, the submerged hydroelectric system reinforced with the compressed hydroelectric system would allow equally exploiting a high operating pressure such as the hydraulic head, but with the advantage of maintaining the mountain water basins at minimum levels, to prevent the now frequent floods and collapses of dams, due to rapid climate changes, which, finding the hydroelectric basins already full, exponentially multiply the damage, both to the plants themselves and to the civil plants and homes located downstream. It is clear that the acceleration of climate change we are experiencing has taken the entire world ruling class by surprise. But if we think carefully, it should not have surprised science, which knows well, that the Earth’s climate is regulated by the ion exchange between the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere which behave like the plates of a large capacitor, where in the middle there is the atmospheric air which represents the dielectric, as there must be no electric current between the plates of a capacitor. So planet Earth from an electrical and electromagnetic point of view works like an imperfect capacitor (due to the imperfect dielectric). The degree of imperfection cannot be managed with physical and mathematical laws, but only from a practical point of view. To put things right from an environmental point of view we simply have to bring the conditions of the earth’s environment back to the same conditions it was in before the start of the industrial era. In other words, not only do we have to bring the value of CO2 to the pre-industrial value, but also the steam which is also a greenhouse gas, but involved in atmospheric disturbances, being much denser than air, acquires greater kinetic energy, producing many more damage. Furthermore, we must also avoid transporting high voltage electricity on overhead pylons, because these cannot fail to interfere with the aforementioned ion and electrostatic exchange between the earth’s surface and the ionosphere. Compressed idoelectomagnetic energy is the real energy of the future, being much cheaper and cleaner than current energies. The various applications were published by the undersigned, but silenced by the entire world ruling class, above all, the scientific one, highly specialized in individual disciplines, but in the opinion of the undersigned, unprepared to face the problems by following an industrial and environmental work organization at the same time.
What is SPAWHE (Synergic Plants Artificial Welling Hydro Elecrtomagnetism) is an alternative development model to the current one, based on the scientific organization of industrial, environmental, energy and healthcare work, which impartially rationalizes the choices of raw materials, energy sources, technologies to be used, not based on what the current market offers, which is dominated by commercial inventions of multinationals that are wrong from a scientific, economic and environmental point of view. However, accepted by public bodies and governments, which through global patent trade collaborate with multinationals to advance the world’s scientific and technological state of the art. This system has created global warming because neither governments nor multinationals have an interest in radically changing the energy sources and technologies used. Private inventors who propose individual inventions are taken into consideration only if they improve their system, which substantially increases the power of multinationals that create jobs, but damage the environment without real opposition, as environmental protests, economic protests, associations and of the unions, do not go into the details of the solutions from the scientific, economic, technological and organizational point of view of work. The SPAWHE system, however, goes into these details, having been developed by a pensioner who was a designer and installer of anthropic systems, first industrial and then environmental, for a total of thirty-seven years. The following nineteen years of work, unpaid by any government or multinational, were dedicated precisely to the development of details from a scientific, economic, technological and organizational point of view of the work. The SPAWHE system can be defined as the modern version of Taylorism by Frederick Taylor who in 1911 published the monograph called “Scientific Organization of Work”, from which the first mass assembly lines of the automotive and household appliance industries were born, and subsequently robotics to speed up industrial production. The undersigned, by virtue of the aforementioned work experiences, since 1986, had the intuition that the study of the scientific organization of work could also be applied to the environmental sector to increase the speed of purification processes. For this reason he left the automotive industry and started a new activity, as manager of the mechanical and hydraulic system assembly of a small company that worked in public subcontracts in Italy and Tunisia (Ing. Caccavale S.A.S.), which closed activity in 2005 and since then he has started his activity as an inventor, adding the two experiences. Above all, bringing the scientific organization of industrial work into the environmental sector.
As is known, despite having filed forty national patents, of which I have only extended six at an international level, due to the considerable economic cost of the international procedure, the undersigned has not found public and private interlocutors available to create such inventions. But the facts are proving me right as in a few years climate changes have become more accentuated, floods and droughts alternate with impressive rapidity and all the infrastructures that I have proposed and described in around 120 articles published on my website https: //, if they had been taken into consideration they would have prevented the disasters themselves. But above all, they would have created the foundations for an alternative development model to the current one, with economic advantages for all, as electricity can be extracted cleanly directly from the environment, consequently, we have not only made mistakes in the environmental systems and energy, but the entire terrestrial development. In today’s society it is not strange that academic science has to pay publishers to publish its work, since career advancement is achieved through the number of publications. It is also not strange that to participate in scientific conferences, universities and multinationals pay conference organizers thousands of euros for each individual participant. While the undersigned cannot pay publishers or participate in conferences. However, some publishers publish my articles for free. But this is not enough to prove that my inventions can stop global warming. If I, who have escaped the logic of employers and their public and private employees, who think above all about keeping their jobs, do not demonstrate it, my inventions will never be tested. Global warming will continue to cause damage and the unequal distribution of the world’s wealth will continue to thrive. We must not forget that among my inventions there is also the energetically autonomous blood oxygenating artificial heart, which in addition to defeating many serious diseases, is the only invention that could extend human life by many years by preserving DNA.
If the current Earth ruling class reasoned objectively and impartially, it would have to agree that current development, based on fossil, nuclear, solar and wind energy, has low energy yields compared to the energy source they use. In the case of fossil and nuclear energy, everything that is not transformed into electricity is transformed into pollution and steam. Solar energy also has a low efficiency as the sun’s heat does not produce electricity directly and therefore solar energy also produces unwanted vapour. In the case of wind energy, the cost of transporting energy to use has a considerable cost and like all energy transport on pylons it interferes with the natural ion exchange of the planet with the ionosphere through natural atmospheric disturbances (lightning, rain , snow and the four annual seasons) which today is profoundly altered compared to the pre-industrial era.
Instead, the SPAWHE inventions, never realized by governments and multinationals, would allow clean energy to be coldly extracted directly from the environment and to be used rationally by the distributor, through the correct design of anthropic systems, both fixed and mobile.
There is a very old saying, famous throughout the world, that says to kill two birds with one stone, which fits perfectly with my reasoning even if we are not talking about trivial things like pigeons. We are talking about the greatest scientific, economic, environmental, existential, social problems, which can be solved simultaneously by identifying the clue to a tangle of tangled threads between the various sciences and technologies developed on planet Earth. This clue is the understanding of the importance of fresh water on Earth from a scientific, technological, economic point of view, which has been underestimated up to now and from this underestimation all the terrestrial climate problems were born that are also reflected in other sectors of terrestrial life and the physical, chemical, biological survival of all living beings. Above all, man.
What terrestrial science has not understood is the role of terrestrial water which is the true energy carrier of electrical and electromagnetic energy. In other words, we must not create electricity, gas and oil distribution networks, but rather a capillary distribution of water across the entire planet and from this locally extract all the electrical energy we need to create anthropic plants. fixed and mobile.
Let’s take the case of a future aerospace transport, which as we know, to overcome the gravitational force must add together the Newton and Lorentz thrust. As we know, these two forces on planet Earth have never been added because terrestrial science has always used heat to produce primary energy, which is not compatible with terrestrial electromagnetism which can only be produced with coils of thin wires protected with insulating paints that cannot withstand high temperatures, without losing insulation or even melting. Furthermore, the entire world science has not realized that we do not need hydraulic jump to produce hydroelectric energy. The inventions of the undersigned of submerged and compressed hydroelectric energy filed in 2014 were hindered by the silence of the entire world science, public and private. As a result, it has not been possible to advance the global state of the art in land, sea and space transportation. In this last case, once the atmosphere has been overcome, Newton’s thrust becomes useless as the electric turbo fans would not produce any thrust. In this case the same circuit can be used, stopping the rotation of the fans and circulating permanent magnets to enhance the Lorentz thrust. Please note that we are very far from the creation of a similar system since, as written above, on planet Earth, the Lorentz thrust has never been added to that of Newton because this thrust can only be achieved in the cold. These limitations that terrestrial science has created with its own hands, to encourage the use of fuels that are not actually needed, have prevented the rational development of the terrestrial planet. Nuclear, solar and wind energy are even less useful, as they are more cumbersome, expensive and less practical to use than water and air which are everywhere and ready for use.
Today we are very far from building global linear motors to add together the thrust of Newton and Lorentz because we have not been able to extract energy from the environment coldly, even if it was the simplest and cheapest thing we could do considering that we always have to available, free of charge, from nature, the gravitational force, atmospheric air which can be compressed even to thousands of bars (if kept in a gaseous state) and incompressible water (if kept in a liquid state). These three elements, since the early days of the invention of electrical energy, would have allowed us to extract clean electrical energy from the terrestrial environment to produce driving torques, linear thrusts and electromagnetic thrusts, designing pumps, turbines and autoclaves in a slightly different way. . But this was not done either by public inventors, nor by the inventors of the multinationals who, with the patronage of the United Nations, divide the world market of industrial patents among themselves, while private inventors, like myself, who have no money to pay the registration fees filing and maintenance of patents, not even intellectual property is granted, which is granted even to someone who writes a simple song.
My most important inventions, which extract clean energy from the environment, have been declared perpetual motion by the Italian and European patent offices, the seventeen patents that have been granted to me, including the hydroelectric car and the pump with dual separate power up to the impeller which is fundamental, not only for extracting clean energy from the environment but also for purifying water and human blood in the invention of the artificial heart oxygenator of human blood, which was also declared perpetual motion by the Italian examiners and Europeans.
Ironically, I titled my previous article “Sorry for the delay” because I am proposing logical inventions a hundred years late, when already the powerful people of the Earth, public and private, have divided the world’s wealth among themselves, creating global warming. I apologized because I was born in 1949, when energy choices had already been made and the two world wars had already been fought to conquer wells and mines in search of energy that in reality has no use, except to destroy the planet and everyone already living beings. I apologized for the delay, but honestly I couldn’t have proposed my solutions sooner. I had to do a long apprenticeship in industry and the environment. Knowing that my inventions would not be appreciated, I secured at least a pension to survive with my family. The facts are proving me right because warming is increasing visibly and we are also unprepared to put out fires and save migrants fleeing from arid countries because without putting together the push of Newton and Lorentz, we cannot stop on the outbreaks of fires and not even lowering rescue baskets from above to save human beings from the waves. We cannot even try to defeat old age and some very serious neurological, pulmonary and digestive diseases because my artificial heart oxygenator of the sangue è stato boicottato come le invenzioni energetiche e depurative.
However, returning to my proposal to directly involve the world’s people in the planning and management of world purification and energy, according to my modest experience as a designer, installer and inventor of anthropic systems, the most urgent thing to do is to rationalize the global water distribution, since, as it was conceived, it produces more harm than good. We must avoid accumulations of water in the mountains which increase disasters in the event of torrential rains. As I believe I have demonstrated, even if I was not understood, hydroelectric energy can be produced even without the hydraulic jump.
Only through the simple rational distribution of drinking water across the entire planet, which would avoid the current flood disasters and equally disastrous summer droughts. Terrestrial drinking water is the best energy carrier from a physical point of view, as it is 830 times denser than atmospheric air and combustion fumes. When hot air and fumes are used to produce energy through the turbines of thermal power plants or turbo combustion fans of airplanes and helicopters, they always have lower efficiency compared to the circulation of pressurized water. Obviously to use water as an energy carrier, we would have had to develop a development model completely different from the one developed on planet Earth, where the entire world science, including that of Einstein (best scientist) and Tesla (best inventor), have used heat as the primary source, instead of using atmospheric air pressurized by gravity at a pressure of one bar, as the starting point. Which, obviously, can be further pressurized as desired with compressors for other applications. What world science has not understood is the fact that compressed air, to be used as an energy source, must be used one way, otherwise it behaves like an energy carrier. To use the force of compressed air one-way, other inventions were necessary. Mainly, the pump with the double separate power supply up to the impeller which allows two supplies with different pressures to be dynamically balanced in the body of the impeller, allows the recovery of the water that has produced electricity through the recycling of the water inside a pressurized autoclave with a flow rate double that which produces electricity. Not only can this solution produce free energy by extracting it from the earth’s environment, it also allows polluted water to be purified for free, as every time the low-pressure water is inserted into the pressurized recycling circuit it absorbs a greater quantity of oxygen, therefore it purifies itself. Mainly, the pump with the double separate power supply up to the impeller which allows two supplies with different pressures to be dynamically balanced in the body of the impeller, allows the recovery of the water that has produced electricity through the recycling of the water inside a pressurized autoclave with a flow rate double that which produces electricity. Not only can this solution produce free energy by extracting it from the earth’s environment, it also allows polluted water to be purified for free, as every time the low-pressure water is inserted into the pressurized recycling circuit it absorbs a greater quantity of oxygen, therefore it purifies itself.
We must not forget that the undersigned has been, up to now, the only inventor who has proposed coldly extracting electrical energy from the environment through a series of Italian national patents listed below. We must not forget that in the proposed solutions, there is also artificial welling, which would allow the use of petroleum derivatives to create artificial islands that would certainly be more useful in view of the increase in the world population. In that, not only would they not produce the current pollution. But they would allow an immense increase in quality food production based on fish, with costs immensely lower than those of meat produced with land animals, which also produce biological pollution. It was not easy to work alone on these interactive purifying and energetic solutions, which no one sees and no one feels the need for. I was forced to solitude in the workplace, and also to work for free for future generations who are not to blame for the choices made by the current ruling classes. However, the turning point that led me to start extracting clean energy directly from the environment and producing artificial welling and a more efficient and economical model of terrestrial development than the current one began with the following Italian patent filings 102014902290390 (CE2014A000011) dated 09.03.2014 entitled Marine water pumping systems suspended from floating platforms for down and upwelling; 102014902298581 (CE2014A000012) dated 03.11.2014 entitled vertical hydroelectric plants with water recycling; 102015000048792 (UB2015A003412) dated 04.09.2015 entitled Mobile perpetual current generators with compressed air or gas and water recycling; 102015000048796 (UB2015A003404) dated 07.09.2015 entitled Electric pumps and turbines with double feeding mouth; 102016000057968 (UA2016A004148) dated 06.08.2016 entitled Desalinizers – vertical ion exchange demineralizers with hydroelectric energy production; 102016000058416 (UA2016A004177), dated 08.06.2016 entitled Floating system with extruded, ribbed, reinforced and polystyrene filled polyethylene tubes; 102016000066396 (UA2016A004687), dated 06.27.2016 entitled autoclave system for water lifting, producer of hydroelectric energy; 102016000087373 (UA2016A006226) dated 08.26.2016 entitled Hydroelectric car with peripheral driving torque at the wheels; 102016000111939 (UA2016A008002), entitled Pressurized hydroelectric plants submerged in wells with lifting and oxygenation; 102016000111938 (UA2016A008001), dated 11.16.2016 entitled Pressurized hydroelectric plants submerged in basins with lifting and oxygenation; 102016000058018 (UA2016A004152), dated 11.16.2016 entitled Floating, hydroelectric, desalination plant, calcium and carbon extractor from deep sea waters; 102016000130510 (UA2016A009428), dated 12.23.2016 entitled Pressurized domestic plumbing system, hydroelectric energy producer; 102017000059993 (UA2017A003967) dated 01.06.2017 entitled Pressurized hydroelectric aerospace transport system with turbofans and compressed air injection.
The list continues with other inventions on fuel-free aerospace transportation. But stopping at The list continues with other inventions on fuel-free aerospace transport. But stopping at the production of submerged hydroelectric energy in basins and aquifers, my reflection that I propose in this article is the following:

The figure above shows how to transform a hydroelectric plant with a hydraulic jump into a submerged hydroelectric plant without a hydraulic jump reinforced with compressed hydroelectric energy extracted directly from the terrestrial environment according to the articles already published.

The figure above shows how it is possible to transform the entire global water distribution network from an absorber of electrical energy into a producer of the same with simple submerged hydroelectric power and at the same time, how it is possible to multiply the amount of electrical energy produced without fuels, nuclear, solar, wind energy, simply by reinforcing the flow and pressure of the water that circulates in the plants that produce submerged hydroelectric power with the recycling of water that could be fed in a cascade automatically across the planet, starting from the main water basins that can be lakes, artificial basins, large desalination plants, without the risk of producing floods, because the water comes from below and not from mountain basins, equally producing the electrical energy needed by the distribution network by means of the pressure of the compressed air contained in the autoclaves. The figure below shows the detail of the current generator that I used to reinforce the flow and pressure of the submerged hydroelectric plant that would have worked equally as an environmental protection system and hydroelectric energy producer, but with less efficiency. What I want to emphasize is the fact that both the submerged hydroelectric plant and the compressed hydroelectric current generator are two patents filed by the undersigned in 2014, which performed two separate functions. One concerned fixed water lifting and distribution systems, while the other concerned mobile energy systems that have also had other developments by the undersigned, always separate between fixed and mobile systems. I cite the following systems: dated 08.26.2016 entitled Hydroelectric car with peripheral drive torque at the wheels; 102016000111939 (UA2016A008002), entitled Submerged pressurized hydroelectric plants in wells with lifting and oxygenation; 102016000111938 (UA2016A008001), of 11.16.2016 entitled Submerged pressurized hydroelectric plants in basins with lifting and oxygenation; 102016000058018 (UA2016A004152), dated 11/16/2016 entitled Floating plant, hydroelectric, desalination, calcium and carbon extractor from deep sea waters; 102016000130510 (UA2016A009428), of 23.12.2016 entitled Pressurized domestic hydraulic system, hydroelectric power producer; 102017000059993 (UA2017A003967) of 01.06.2017 entitled Hydroelectric aerospace transport system pressurized with turbofans and compressed air injection. These sectors have had two separate developments (both ignored by public and private science worldwide, until the disaster of the Bargi power plant occurred ten years after the two respective unrealized inventions.
I think that there is something very serious in the organization of the work of planet Earth at a political, legislative, legal level, before scientific and technological, because, at least the international judges should have the power to order essential experiments that could reduce global pollution also because there are international agreements from 2001. Nel mio articolo, “Project for a codification of the responsibility of states for internationally wrongful acts”, which in the opinion of the undersigned, calls to their responsibilities, not only the one hundred and ninety-six sovereign states, but also the United Nations itself that drafted it.

This graph developed by the British geophysicist Sydney Chapman (1888 – 1970) connects the density of ions (on the abscissa) and the altitude (on the ordinate). It also mentions the areas of the atmosphere where the various wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum are absorbed. Source: University of Cambridge.
As you can see, the peak of the curve is located about 300 km from the surface of the earth. In this area, monostatic disturbances are mainly born that produce lightning and consequently also natural rain. If, with the cold production of terrestrial energy, we eliminate the current excesses of C0 steam and high voltage electrostatic networks that disturb the natural terrestrial system, with the cold transport system and the joint push of Newton and Lorentz, we could send the water that we know is already ionized, directly into the F2 area indicated above in the areas where we want rain. We could probably fertilize deserts too, reducing the weather phenomena that are destroying the planet due to bad energy and environmental planning of Earth science.
The figure below shows the means of transport that could perform this function even without a crew, remotely controlled, like a drone from the Earth’s surface.

Until we can combine the thrust of Newton and Lorentz, we will never be able to stop stably on the sources of fires to put them out, just as we will not be able to save shipwrecks from a rough sea. This should also make us reflect on the design criteria of the space plants that I report below. Which must be pressurized to a pressure of one bar and recycle water, air and organic waste indefinitely, also using the undersigned’s previous patents on domestic water saving integrated with air and water flows, electrostatic currents, circulation pumps, fans, shredders that, when appropriately positioned, simulate the fluid dynamic flows that normally occur in terrestrial homes and offices. The figure below shows a future space wagon.

As an inventor, I apologized to the world’s people for the delay with which I thought about the invention of the submerged and compressed hydroelectric plant which can be made even in small dimensions to be mounted on all means of transport in the world and even in small dimensions for create small artificial hearts, energetically autonomous, which by oxygenating the blood, could defeat the main human diseases and extend current life by hundreds of years. Unfortunately, for current science that created global warming and wants to take us into space with fuels and nuclear energy, it seems that the inventions of the undersigned are hot water. I believe that despite the Nobel Prizes that have been shared among them, as designers and inventors they are amateurs at risk and are destroying the planet. They didn’t even realize that they never managed to add together the push of Newton and Lorentz. In fact, these two forces can only be added by producing electricity coldly as the coils of the electrical wires are protected with insulating paints which can only work at earth temperature. Even more delicate are the wires that transmit electromagnetic signals and information via cable, which even today are made with optical fiber that does not produce electromagnetic interference. The electronic control circuits also need cold-produced energy. It is a question of the scientific organization of global work that can only be learned by transferring industrial experiences into environmental and energy ones, which today work in watertight compartments throughout the world. For this reason I proposed myself as a retired inventor, annoying professors, entrepreneurs, politicians and economists, who continue to think in watertight compartments.
Meanwhile, global warming continues to advance and none of the solutions reported on the website have been funded and tested.
The United Nations protects the industrial property of entrepreneurs and not the intellectual property of inventors who propose an alternative development without fuels and nuclear energy. No national or international judge takes responsibility for ordering the testing of solutions based on the experience of an old designer and installer of plants, which would extract clean energy directly from the environment. No one has the power to stop new thermal, nuclear, solar theories of the new generation, which must produce commercial inventions. Otherwise, for the current centers of power, the economy does not work. The following recent article by the undersigned denounces precisely this situation:
After the publication of this article, I should have expected funding from the United Nations to test my inventions, but instead I am forced to report further scam attempts which in some cases pose as United Nations officials to extort money from me.
Denouncing these facts would be off topic. If the judicial authorities want to investigate my computer, all the evidence of these childish attempts at online scams is available.
What I am interested in highlighting in this article is the fact that the powerful people of the Earth, both public and private, have monopolized sciences and technologies in the direction of commercial profit and the exploitation of natural resources, without taking into account the natural sciences, which, if properly explored, would lead to an alternative development that is more respectful of nature and to immense savings of natural resources, as what today seem like great scientific and technological inventions, in reality, would not be possible if terrestrial nature, that is, God’s science, had not arranged everything , so that men could exploit their intelligence to complete with sustainable technology not achievable by nature, that small percentage of improvement of natural cycles, estimated at approximately 5 – 10%, to reach the optimal level of natural scientific technological economic development. Today, however, we are helplessly witnessing the fact that the current global energy and telecommunications managers make users pay for everything, including their design errors. (The entire oil industry chain is not needed for energy purposes. It could be useful if we used oil derivatives to build artificial islands off the oceans in order to create artificial welling to increase food production, as proposed in vain by the undersigned in general silence).
In fact, before the current industrial era the earth’s climate was perfect, thermoregulated by the ion exchange between the earth’s surface and the ionosphere which behaved like the armatures of a capacitor designed by the Creator of the universe to let pass a quantity of electrostatic charges sufficient to thermoregulate the earth’s climate as a function of the percentage of impurities present in the earth’s atmospheric air, which represents the dielectric of the aforementioned large capacitor. Obviously, it was not easy for any scientist and inventor to understand such a complex system, which is not based on the perfection of the physical, chemical, biological, electromagnetic, electrostatic, natural principles existing in nature, but on the natural balance acquired by the terrestrial environment in 4.5 billion years. (The evolution of the Earth’s atmosphere, which is mainly made up of hydrogen, has been extremely slow. The first oxygen molecules appeared two billion years later and the first human ancestors only 300,000 years ago while the planet continued to cool. Today, science, not having acquired the experience to coldly extract the Earth’s energy, is going back to continue to produce thermal energy, worrying only about reducing CO2 emissions without worrying about the complexity of the imperfect thermoregulatory system between the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere.)
When I started to be an inventor as a pensioner, I had twenty years of environmental experience and seventeen years of industrial plant engineering experience. I knew that I had to transfer the industrial experiences into environmental purification systems to simultaneously increase the potential of purification and energy processes. Anyone who wants to delve into the topic in all its details can read the one hundred and twenty articles and forty patents filed on these topics, but anyone who is in a hurry to stop the worsening of global warming must make the decision to do in their own small way what is necessary to stop this very serious phenomenon, which does not depend on natural phenomena, but on the bad energy and purification projects produced by men.
All the energies present on planet Earth are currently subject to exhaustion: fossil energy needs fuel; the nuclear one of radioactive material; the solar one of the heat of the sun; wind energy; the hydroelectric one of the hydraulic jump since the kinetic energy that turns the shafts of the electric current generators depends on a primary source that runs out if it is not fed or refilled. This roll-up cannot be done if the primary source of energy is missing, especially in mobile systems. Today it could be said that this limit of the state of the art has been overcome in a simple, linear and economical way, if the interests of part of the entire world ruling class had not boycotted the inventions of the undersigned who first virtually produced submerged hydroelectric energy which does not need the hydraulic jump, and then, following the invention of the pump with the double separate power supply up to the impeller, he invented the compressed hydroelectric, which, again without hydraulic jump, allows the insertion of the energy vector, which is incompressible water, in the pressurized recycling circuit of an autoclave. This plant, which can be created in a fixed and mobile version, has been boycotted by the entire world of science, which is tied hand and foot to the world’s political and economic centers of power. This system which can be created in a fixed and mobile version, which completely recycles both the energy source (compressed air) and the energy carrier (water), which in space systems, can also capture space dust and with artificial light, photosynthesis chlorophyll, the natural carbon cycle, infinitely self-sustaining in environments pressurized to the Earth’s atmospheric pressure, designed by, have been boycotted by the entire world science which is tied hand and foot to the world’s political and economic centers of power. As a private inventor, I have never felt represented by global public institutions who have only asked me to pay patent filing and maintenance fees and have never felt the moral duty to experiment with my inventions in the interest of the entire world community. I respected the laws by paying the filing fees as long as I could, gambling almost the entire severance pay upon leaving the world of work in the hope of finding public financers which I never found. Governments and public inventors, consequently, are only interested in collaborating only with multinationals, which for reasons of national economic interests, do not look at the global economy, but at the international market existing with current technologies. This market will never be able to move towards a completely clean economy, without fuels, nuclear, solar, wind, traditional hydroelectric energy, high voltage pylons for energy transport. All these systems interfere with the delicate thermoregulatory system of the earth’s climate, based on the anomalous functioning between the earth’s surface and the ionosphere which behave like the armatures of a large capacitor which accepts only a limited presence of pollutants in the dielectric (earth’s atmosphere) which separates the aforementioned armor. This limit has been largely overcome for many years now and we can return to the origins in a few years only if all the inventions of on the entire planet are realized simultaneously. Since these inventions are sustainable, efficient, economical, in addition to restoring the environment, they would create jobs for everyone and probably even migrants could find work in their countries of origin, restoring the pre-industrial climate. As a private inventor, I have never felt represented by global public institutions that have only asked me to pay patent filing and maintenance fees and have never felt the moral duty to experiment with mine in the interest of the entire global community. I respected the laws by paying the filing fees as long as I could, gambling almost the entire severance pay from leaving the job in the hope of finding public financiers which I never found. Governments and consequently, public inventors, are only interested in collaborating with multinationals. It is clear that my trust in global public institutions has greatly diminished since I started being an inventor, however I still continued to complete my path of inventions of public utility, contact at least in the recognition of at least the intellectual property, which as is known throughout the world, it is also recognized by those who write a song. Needless to say, I was even more disappointed when I learned that inventors do not have intellectual property but only industrial property. The United Nations is not the scientific and moral organization suitable to protect planet Earth from global warming, if it penalizes free and independent inventors who manage to make interdisciplinary connections between specifically created inventions disconnected between multinationals and the public bodies that produced global warming for the sole purpose of producing illicit profits with wrong energies, wrong and incomplete cycles, the patent trade that does not respect the rights of the inventors of solutions of public social utility.
What is the use of COPs and special summits with high-sounding words like the United Nations Summit on the Future to be held at the United Nations in New York City on 22 and 23 September 2024, while the inventions that go into the purification and energy details of patents and articles published in chronological order that would have already eliminated global warming, created a different model of the earth’s hydrological distribution to prevent floods, dam collapses, implemented sustainable desalination, artificial welling to create jobs and multiply food production, cold develop terrestrial energy and electromagnetism to add together the push of Newton and Lorentz, which terrestrial science has still managed to add because it can only be added when cold.
As a private inventor, I had no choice. Not finding public and private interlocutors, I have always worked for free for future generations, but faced with the failure of official science, I cannot expect that those who work to realize my solutions should not have the right satisfaction and economic remuneration. Furthermore, I believe that inventors should not be discriminated against by other authors of intellectual works. Not having the capital to claim industrial property of my inventions does not mean that intellectual property has zero value. If it is valid for writers, musicians, lyricists, painters, sculptors, it must necessarily also have a value for inventors. Well beyond the duration of the industrial patent which lasts twenty years. Scientific principles are immortal. Just think of the fluid dynamic ones of Henry; Dalton, Pascal, Venturi, Torricelli. However, the applications of submerged and compressed hydroelectricity, which the undersigned has identified, which rightfully fall into this category, do not yet exist, just as the pump with the double separate supply up to the impeller does not exist, which allows the insertion into the closed recycling circuit of a pressurized plant at a higher pressure, a fluid at atmospheric pressure, so that the two fluids can modify each other, self-purifying and improving the characteristics of both in energy, purification, and health applications. It is no coincidence that among my inventions there is even the artificial heart of man which will contribute to extending human life by making up for many neurological, digestive, and pulmonary diseases. The thermodynamic, nuclear, and electromagnetic principles are also immortal. However, on planet Earth, the fluid dynamic ones, which would have been more useful, have been underestimated. In fact, these appropriately deepened, as the undersigned has virtually done, without the financing of governments and multinationals, would have coldly extracted energy from the environment, in fixed and mobile anthropogenic plants, without producing CO2, steam, combustion gases, radioactive waste, saving both the environment and the economy.
The donations I have asked for are a pittance compared to the waste produced by governments and multinationals that still have no idea how to remedy the damage they have caused by mutual agreement. However, they continue to invest in nuclear energy, electric cars that are powered by energy accumulators charged by current energy sources. It would not take much to understand that charging the accumulators involves a greater consumption of current energy, especially fossil fuels. Even if they manage to partially eliminate CO2, without my limestone greenhouses, which would use CO2 in favor of the environment, this scientific ruling class will never be able to eliminate the steam that produces hydrogen transformed into fuel, that produced by nuclear power plants, that produced by solar panels, nor will they be able to eliminate the electrostatic currents that involve the transport of high-voltage electricity on pylons, which interferes with the natural ionic exchange between the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere that regulates the planet’s climate. Obviously they cannot even eliminate the cost of transporting the electricity itself, which would not be needed if electricity were extracted locally from three inexhaustible, clean and free energy sources, such as water, air and gravitational force. If world science worked for the well-being of planet Earth and all living beings, it would always study interactive solutions that as mentioned above catch more birds with one stone, instead it works for the money-hungry and power-hungry masters, who make users pay even for what is provided for free by nature. Worse still, in the case of terrestrial electromagnetism, both electromagnetic waves and the ionization of water and air are inventions of the creator of the universe. The technological contribution does not affect more than 5 – 10 % of the real value. Why must the inhabitants of the Earth be exploited by men of power with the decisive contribution of the science of legislators and justice?
It is clear that my proposal to build the city of Spawhe with the fundraising of ordinary people that is normally used to collect a few thousand euros is completely utopian and probably, I will never be able to collect the funds necessary to build modified chimneys with an upper expansion chamber with electrostatic filters, double duct that brings CO2, SOx, Nox back into the subsoil, so that artificial rain can be produced in the sewers on calcareous materials, which without energy costs, with the compressed hydroelectric system would produce carbonates, nitrates sulphates in the water, of sewer sedimentators with surface oxygenation of the water that would prevent any formation of hydrogen sulphide and sulphuric acid of the current world sewers compatible with the terrestrial environment in place of CO2 and combustion oxides. In this small city you could see prototypes of the operation of the artificial welling that feeds food production by lifting the carbonates present in the seabed by the Venturi effect. We could see vertical water desalinators that produce electricity instead of consuming it by circulating perforated polyethylene spheres containing ion exchange resins that desalinate the water and regenerate in washing cycles without dispersing the resins as happens in current desalinators with pressure filters that, in addition, absorb electricity. The small city of Spawhe will demonstrate that everything that today involves the absorption of paid energy can be replaced with an energy-autonomous system that is also self-purifying. Even the internal transport of this small city will be energy-autonomous and without energy accumulators that can be recharged from the electricity grid. The water network will feed the electricity grid and will limit itself to feeding the individual fixed and mobile users that will be autonomous for their individual needs. The current transport of electricity, especially on high-voltage pylons, interferes with the natural ion exchange between the earth’s surface and the ionosphere. Even the other fossil, nuclear, solar, wind, on planet earth are superfluous because with compressible air, incompressible water and gravitational force we can produce energy at all hours of the day and night with very low costs. Only to produce steel and incinerate waste we need higher temperatures and in the city of Spawhe will be shown all the ways to close the additional thermal cycles that open. In the city of Spawhe will also be shown the demonstration prototypes of cold-produced mobile energy that by adding together the thrust of Newton and Lorentz will allow us to move in a three-dimensional space as has never happened on planet Earth, due to the fact that current science has never thought of producing cold-produced terrestrial energy.
At the end of my career as an inventor independent of the current world power centers, who has only sown without reaping anything, I cannot help but involve the entire world population, who loves to feel sorry for themselves and does nothing concrete to democratically oppose the power of politicians, fixers, loan sharks, multinationals of consumption and management of natural resources. I cannot help but involve the world churches, in particular, the Catholic one, which once interfered more than necessary with temporal powers and today instead, like everyone, those who collect public contributions, donations, do not allocate even a euro or dollar to alternative experimentation to the established economic powers. The false scholastic culture that even graduates in scientific disciplines drag along with them for a lifetime, which asserts that energy cannot be produced from nothing, and that therefore perpetual motion cannot be achieved, is at the basis of current global warming, since science itself, in order not to create perpetual motion, has given up on exploiting gravitational force, atmospheric air and incompressible water that are at the basis of the SPAWHE system, which with concrete examples, has debunked these myths, and in addition to using scientific principles, in some cases, it also uses scientific paradoxes, which are equally important, to perform multiple energy and purifying functions at the same time. Above all, extract clean energy directly from the cold earth’s environment, which has it in abundance.
I am certain that terrestrial energy, extracted directly from the environment, unlike the current public and private aeronautics and space industry, will be sufficient to organize future generational space travel without fuels, nuclear energy, but carriages pressurized at atmospheric pressure, equipped with an air and water circulation system driven by electrostatic flows and currents that simulate terrestrial gravity. While the movement in space and in the atmosphere would occur by means of the same water and air accumulated in the same carriages that regenerates infinitely and by means of the compressed hydroelectric system, which manages to add together the Newtonian and Lorentz thrust to exit and enter the atmosphere and concentrate all the energy only in that of Lorentz when traveling in the vacuum of space. Obviously, all this can be achieved after at least some prototype of the artificial heart oxygenating the human blood has been tested and built, which will have the main task of extending human life, which today is too short to make space development programs. Today we are at year zero of such solutions. The only money invested is what I took from my family to file patents, which the world ruling class calls perpetual motion, which however has not cleaned fossil energy and has created global warming and the unequal distribution of world wealth. In other words, today’s society is projecting us into a virtual world, like that of cartoons, where on the television screen everything is possible, while world reality is becoming a daily nightmare of environmental disasters aggravated by the fact that the first thing they produce is the interruption of electricity, leaving the victims in the dark and cold. All this is happening because terrestrial science has not been able to extract the clean energy already predisposed by terrestrial nature to be extracted already clean and cold from the terrestrial environment. Current science, to allow the trade of fuels and technologies that are not needed, has given up on exploiting the elementary fluid dynamics of water and atmospheric air of Henry, Dalton, Pascal, Venturi, Torricelli that would have produced the energy vector (water) and the primary energy source (air and gravitational force), which in turn, would have produced cold induced electrical energy, the driving force, or, according to the needs, the forces of Newton or Lorentz. The useless involvement of heat has produced global warming and the largest polluting processes. Even the useless hydraulic jump has produced more damage than benefits to world development. Of course, the advancement of the world state of the art is not created in a day, but on planet Earth it seems that there are more people who row against than those who want to protect the environment, especially at institutional levels.
Luigi Antonio Pezone